Thursday, November 4, 2010

Gratitude Day 4 and 5

Day 4 Still haven't made a choice on how to document...leaning towards a anyway today...
I'm grateful for answered prayers! My little cousin Tyler has Cystic Fibrosis and has desperately needed a transplant for his lungs and liver. Family, friends, and everyone who knows Tyler have been praying like warriors that he get this transplant. And finally, today, we got the word that he is listed for the transplant (pending insurance approval, of course). That being said, I'm grateful for organ donors too because that is the next step...waiting for the actual organs! So, if you happen to stop by please add my sweet little cousin, Tyler, to your prayer list.

Day 5 ok...I really, really need to get this mini put together! Today I am grateful for genuinly nice people. I went to the dentist this morning. The assistant at my dentist's office is always supersweet and we always talk about our kiddos, vacations, and the things that are going on in our lives. Each time I come in for an appointment it's like we're old friends catching up. Truely grateful for her kindess. Also grateful for some supersweet ladies who actually read and make time to respond to their blog comments. I think that's one of the most personal/sweet things bloggers can do.


  1. I signed up to be an organ donor when one extended my friend's life by six years. I'm sending up prayers for organs to come through for your cousin.

  2. oh thank you so much! You are the sweetest!


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