This is the 3rd challenge that Scrapbook Circle has posted on their blog and I vowed that I would participate because I was superexcited when it was announced that the blog was going to be more interactive, so it only makes since for me to actually play along! So, during my Monday nigt insomia I stayed up literally till the crack of dawn and worked on this LO. I so wish that I were a fast scrapper, but alas like everything I do-- I have over process it!
So....I finally cracked open my March Scrapbook Circle kit, Vintage Market , after drooling over it for a little over a week! I made this layout about my son and I spending the day together on Super Bowl Sunday. I also used some things from the Crate Paper Toy Box collection kit that I added on to my kit. I love me some Crate Paper, and I'm pretty proud of myself for diving into it and not hoarding it like I usually do! (I've also cut into it to make a mini album for a babyshower- yeah- go me). I made some of the cardstock elements from the collection kit more dimensional by adding chipboard under them....love doing this because I feel like I'm getting a bargain by making my own chipboard elements! And I used some twine from the Twinery.
Ok, well that's enough babbling...Thank your for taking the time to stop by! It really means a lot to me! Have a beautiful day!